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With the revision of Permanent Memorandum-69, the LSU Board of Supervisors conferred Promotion and Tenure autonomy to each LSU campus with highest approval authority for Promotion and Tenure determinations residing with the Chancellor. In conjunction with this decision, each campus is to institute its own policy, which governs the Promotion and Tenure process. We are using a uniform electronic application format for Promotion and Tenure.  CVs and information usually provided for Promotion and Tenure applications are digital.


Professional Development: Educators

LSUHS Professor instructing medical students


Professional Development: Researchers

Information in the field of research is continuously changing. Our Office of Research hosts monthly virtual workshops to share the latest in technology, trends, teaching, processes and funding. LSUHS faculty interested in attending should contact Dr. Wayne Orr for information.

View recent videos on INSIDE LSUHS




Spotlighting Recent Faculty Accomplishments