LSU Health Shreveport cares about our students, faculty and staff. Our first priority is dedicated to your wellbeing and to promoting a community that cares about each of its members.. Take time to explore these resources and look around the website for more information. If you have questions, don't hesitate contacting the Office for Compliance and Investigation.
Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Every member of the LSU community deserves to work and study in a safe and comfortable environment. It is now easier than ever to voice your concerns with the newly launched Ethics, Integrity and Misconduct Helpline. To learn more visit
EthicsPoint is NOT a 911 or Emergency Service:
Do not use this site to report events presenting an immediate threat to life or property. Reports submitted through this service may not receive an immediate response. If you require emergency assistance, please contact your local authorities.
Title IX Reporting: Any LSUHS student or employee who believes they have experienced power-based violence (e.g., dating/domestic violence, sexual assault, sex discrimination, sexual harassment, stalking) has a right to report the incident(s) to the Campus Title IX Coordinator.
Ombuds Office: a confidential, impartial, independent, and informal process to seek assistance and guidance to resolve barriers to productivity and to increase the quality of your experience at LSUHS
You're never alone at LSUHS. A network of people is always ready to help and support you through anything. The LSUHS University Police Department works to ensure campus safety, crime prevention, and response. If you witness any suspicious behavior, we ask you report it immediately by dialing 911 or by using the LSU Shield app.
Go to a safe place and dial 911 or call LSUHS Police:
The LSU SHIELD app is designed to help you report emergencies or crimes, receive help from police, or check on friends to ensure they’ve arrived safely at their destinations. Students and employees should download the free app. The app will ask for various information, not all of which is required. But the more information entered, the better the app works for users.
Once you are safe, consider filing a report with the University Police. Their offices are located on the Ground Floor of the BRI or call 318-675-3873
Vaughn Burris, Director of public safety and Chief of Police for LSU Health Shreveport shares how his department serves the LSUHS campus providing safety and services.