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Residents participate in the annual Orthopaedic In-Training Exam given by the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. In addition, residents attend the AO North American Basic Fracture Course and the Dallas Short Course (PGY-2 year), the MD Anderson Pathology Course in Houston (PGY-3 year), the Orthopaedic Surgery Board Review Course (PGY-4 year), and the Annual Meeting of the AAOS and Miller’s Board Review Course (PGY-5 year). The Department may also provide support for a resident to attend a meeting if they have had a paper accepted for presentation.

Our Orthopaedic Residents’ Resource Center contains networked computers, current textbooks, educational DVD/CD-ROMSs, annual updated subscriptions to AAOS ResStudy and OrthoBullets and video programs, and is accessible to residents at all times.  In addition, the institutional LSU Health Shreveport Health Sciences Library provides a liaison librarian to complement the assistance provided by the Residency Coordinator and affiliated staff.

The following conferences are scheduled for all residents:

Trauma Conference

6:30 – 7:30 am


Grand Rounds

6:30 – 7:30 am


Basic Science/Clinical Conference

6:30 – 8:30 am


Journal Club

6:30 pm


Combined facilities provide extensive experience in outpatient and inpatient care, including trauma, reconstructive surgery, pediatric surgery, and rehabilitation. Each resident performs an abundance of operative procedures, and they are expected to demonstrate competent knowledge of the relevant anatomic details, knowledge of the key steps required, and technical competence. Staff supervision is provided through the active participation of full-time academic faculty complimented by talented private practitioners.

Instruction in the basic science aspects of the musculoskeletal system includes an integrated seminar series spanning the five years of residency. Access to researchers, full-time orthopaedic faculty, a cutting-edge bioengineering laboratory, and a cell and tissue culture laboratory, provides a unique and rare opportunity to develop special skills, whether in biomechanics, biomaterials, or basic studies of bone and other musculoskeletal tissues.

Each resident is expected to complete two academic projects, including a laboratory project.  This academic endeavor adds a critical and irreplaceable dimension to specialized training for the resident who plans to conduct independent investigations and the creation of associated abstracts. To do so requires a comprehensive knowledge of a specialized subject. Our residency program develops each resident’s ability to critically analyze all types of information, regardless of the source.


Samantha Vance
Residency Coordinator
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery
LSU Health Shreveport
Email: Samantha.Vance@lsuhs.edu

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Surgical Skills Lab

The surgical skills laboratory serves as a teaching tool for medical students, residents, faculty, and practicing surgeons of all subspecialty fields.  The lab provides a setting in which learners of all levels may practice and hone their surgical skills.  Using cadaveric specimens allow participants a relaxed setting to strengthen their anatomic knowledge without putting actual patients at risk.

Residency Training

Orthopaedic Surgery