Welcome to the Department of Ophthalmology. Our department provides comprehensive, state-of-the-art management of all disorders of the eye, eyelids, and orbit. We deliver the highest level of medical and surgical treatment of cataracts, glaucoma, all retinal disorders including diabetes, ocular tumors, pediatric eye disease, ocular muscle disease, and neuro-ophthalmology. Additionally, we provide a full range of oculoplastic treatments and services, as well as, refractive surgery.
Our department also offers a three year ACGME accredited Ophthalmology Residency training program. This program trains residents in diverse academic and clinical settings and provides care at the Academic Medical Center at Ochsner LSU Health Shreveport and Overton Brooks Veterans Administration Medical Center in Shreveport, La, as well as, the Monroe Medical Center at Ochsner LSU Health in Monroe, LA. Our surgical training rivals the top programs and graduates typically far exceed the national average in surgical volume.
In addition to providing broad general comprehensive ophthalmologic care, our department also provides consultative services to referring physicians covering the following subspecialties:
- Cornea and external disease
- Glaucoma
- Neuro-ophthalmology
- Retina and vitreal disorders
- Ophthalmic plastics
- Orbital disease
- Pediatric ophthalmology
Our faculty and residents service 2 clinics that are located at LSU Health Shreveport and Ochsner.
All patients should bring:
- Picture ID
- Referral Card
- Copay or deposit prior to service may be required
- Insurance information
- Proof of LA residency
Also, for our diabetic patients:
- Take your medicine
- Eat a good meal
- Bring a snack
General Clinic
Location: 1420 Kings Highway (Directly across from LSU Health Shreveport)
(318) 626-0717
(318) 626-0718
(318) 626-0719
We welcome walk-ins and urgent patients. Ophthalmology residents work with attending physicians in this clinic according to a weekly schedule organized by specialty. For example, Wednesday is retina day and Thursday is glaucoma day. Each first year resident has his or her own lane in this clinic. First year residents rotate screening walk-in patients.
Specialty Clinic
Location: Ambulatory Care Center, 1541 Kings Highway
(318) 626-0338
(318) 626-0325
This Outpatient Clinic serves as various clinics such as Pediatrics, OB-GYN, General Surgery, and Orthopaedics. Ophthalmology residents mostly work in this clinic during their second year in close association with staff physicians. The second year rotations are organized such that the residents have one on one interaction with the Ophthalmology staff in the attendings’ own private clinics. Third year residents split their time evenly between the operating room, the General clinic, and the Specialty clinic.
Laser Technology
Our clinics are equipped with Heidelberg Spectralis ocular coherence tomography machines, fundus cameras with fluorescein angiography capability, argon lasers, YAG lasers, SLT lasers, diode lasers, and Humphrey visual field machines. Both clinics also have a dedicated minor procedure room. In addition, the Specialty clinic has a Pascal laser while the General clinic has a Diagnosys electroretinogram. Both clinics have several registered ophthalmic technicians as well as registered nurses who assist in working up patients and performing ancillary testing.
The Department of Ophthalmology is happy to announce that all of our PGY4 residents, who applied for a fellowship, have matched: Laura Perilloux, MD; Hamza Bhalli, MD; Jenna Andre, MD.
318 Forum - In 2012, Dr. Alan Richards, LSUHS Associate Clinical Professor of Ophthalmology, established Eye Samaritans International (ESI) with a commitment to prevent and treat blinding in premature infants. Today his efforts continue in Eastern Europe.
We are proud of the accomplishments of our residents who are graduating this Spring: David L. Barnes, Jr.; Kelli M. Coleman; Anna M. Walsh; and Chase M. Wilson. We wish you all the best on your future endeavors!
Faculty and Residents from LSUHS Ophthalmology published in the Journal of Ophthalmic Science, "Delayed Vision Loss Post Assault-Induced Zygomatic Fracture Repair in a Patient with an Ipsilateral Anterior Clinoid Process Pneumatization, A Case Report".
Dr. Marlyn Langford, Dr. Thomas Redens, and Dr. William Byrd presented "Conjunctival caspase-6 and plasmacytes increased by topical muramyl dipeptide" at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) annual meeting on April 26, 2023 in New Orleans, LA.
Today we are excited to announce the our new residents who matched for the 2024 PGY2 Ophthalmology positions.