The facilities at Rapides Regional Medical Center and Rapides Women’s and Children’s Hospital are state of the art with multiple options available in most inpatient specialties. Our resident curriculum is heavy in the inpatient setting with adult and pediatric inpatient, emergency medicine, cardiology, nephrology, and surgery. 


Block rotations are on a 4-week cycle with 13 blocks per year.  In addition to the block rotation curriculum, attendance at four hours per week is mandatory for all residents.  The lectures, held on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons, are given by family medicine faculty, specialty faculty, and family medicine residents, and balances topics throughout the year.  See below for a breakdown of rotation types and number of blocks for each residency year.


Rotation Types & Number of Blocks by Residency Year

Salary & Benefits by Residency Year

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Education & Training Program

Family Medicine Residency - Alexandria