BIOREPOSITORY | Feist-Weiller Cancer Center

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What is Tissue Biobanking? How you can help Cancer Researchers.

Researchers rely on samples from patients to study cancer and other diseases. 

  • If you are having a biopsy or surgery there is sometimes a small amount of tissue leftover. Your doctor will not use it to diagnose or treat you.
  • You can donate this leftover tissue, which would otherwise be thrown away.
  • If you donate, a small sample of your tissue will be put in a biobank. Researchers use your sample to study cancer and other diseases.
  • A small amount of blood (about 1-2 teaspoons) may be drawn and stored with your tissue.

The more people donate samples, the faster we can find better treatments for cancer! Treatments and medicine we use have been developed from people who volunteered to participate in research. By donating, you will help others in the future.


Are you a PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, or INVESTIGATOR who would like to benefit from services offered by the Biorepository?
CLICK to learn more about our BIOREPOSITORY SERVICES >>



Why is donating important?

  • It is faster to do studies when a large number of samples are stored in one place.
  • It is important to store samples from men and women with different health problems, races and ethnicities.
  • The results from these studies may find better ways to prevent, diagnose, and treat cancer and other diseases.

Why am I being asked to donate a sample?

All patients are being asked to donate.

Will it help me to donate a sample?

  • You may not benefit from donating your sample. However, you may help patients in the future.
  • Discuss donating a sample with family members and then make a decision that is best for you.

How will my information be protected?

  • Your sample will have only a number.
  • Only the biobank will have your personal information (name, date of birth).

Will I find out any results from my donated sample?

  • Your samples will be used for research purposes only. Individual results will not be given out.

Can I say no to donating?

  • Yes. It is your choice to donate. If you change your mind at any time, your sample will be thrown away and not used for research.


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Feist-Weiller Cancer Center Biorepository

LSU Health Shreveport
1501 Kings Highway
Shreveport, LA 71103



Cancer cells in pipettes