Center for Redox Biology and Cardiovascular Disease
NIH/NIGHMS Center of Biomedical Research Excellence (COBRE)


The Center for Redox Biology and Cardiovascular Disease COBRE was established in 2018 through a five-year $10.5 million Centers of Biomedical Research Excellence (COBRE) grant from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) branch of the NIH.


The mission of the CRBCD is to advance the understanding of redox biology control of heart and vascular disease processes that may lead to new and better ways to detect or treat cardiovascular disease. This COBRE provides substantial research support to faculty who have not yet received major extramural funding to allow for programmatic development. This support is coupled with ongoing faculty mentoring from a Mentoring Committee and access to two state-of-the-art research facilities – the Animal Model & Histology Core and the Redox Molecular Signaling Core – that enable both COBRE and non-COBRE researchers to establish nationally competitive research programs in cardiovascular redox biology. During the Phase 1 award period, numerous junior investigators with relevant knowledge and expertise were brought together from different departments to lead projects that address redox biology molecular mechanisms contributing to cardiovascular pathophysiology. 

A $10.5 million COBRE Phase 2 grant was awarded in 2023 and provides five additional years of support to continue developing investigators to compete effectively for independent research and make further improvements to research infrastructure.


Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death and disability in the United States, and Louisiana ranks in the top five of states most affected by cardiovascular disease. The COBRE Center for Redox Biology and Cardiovascular Disease will advance understanding of redox biology control of heart and vascular disease processes that may lead to new and better ways to detect or treat cardiovascular disease.



Cardiovascular disease remains the primary cause of morbidity and mortality for United States citizens, as well as people across the globe. Moreover, the burden of cardiovascular disease in Louisiana is stark leading to a quarter of all deaths in the state. Research into cardiovascular pathophysiology is an important priority at LSU Health Shreveport with the recently formed Center for Cardiovascular Diseases and Sciences (CCDS). The CCDS has enabled nucleation of campus cardiovascular research through various programs and initiatives.

However, specific efforts that facilitate junior faculty research program funding and advances in professional development remain underdeveloped. The objective of this COBRE Center for Redox Biology and Cardiovascular Disease is to establish a nationally recognized research and training program that develops federally funded junior faculty research while revealing new insights into cardiovascular pathology. The major goals of this COBRE program are to: 1) establish a strong and consistent mentorship and professional development program, 2) establish advanced research core facilities, and 3) advance mechanistic understanding of redox biology regulation of cardiovascular pathophysiology. Pursuit of the following specific aims will enable successful implementation of the proposed COBRE program.

The specific aims for this COBRE application are:

  1. To provide leadership for developing mentoring and training programs, professional development, state of the art research infrastructure to advance scientific excellence in redox biology and cardiovascular disease leading to nationally recognized research discoveries and achievements from the CCDS and LSU Health Sciences Center Shreveport.
  2. Establish a group of Core facilities including an Administration Core (Core A), an Animal Model & Histology Core (Core B), and a Redox Molecular Signaling Core (Core C) that advance mentorship training and research excellence at LSU Health Sciences Center Shreveport.
  3. To establish and implement advisory committees (both internal and external) that provides guidance to program junior faculty and COBRE leaders.
  4. To establish a group of junior faculty projects investigating redox biology mechanisms of cardiovascular disease that will be competitive for independent federal funding.
  5. To establish and operate a Pilot Grant Program for promising young investigators currently at the institution, as well as those who are recruited in the future.
  6. To establish and execute scientific meetings, research education, and professional development seminars that further scientific excellence at LSU Health Sciences Center Shreveport and provide advanced training for institutional faculty.
  7. To ensure that COBRE Center programs, initiatives, policies and reporting formats are clearly developed and integrated within the institution according to federal granting agency policies and deadlines.
seven people in the Redox Biology COBRE Center standing looking at the camera

Redox Biology COBRE

Center of Excellence for Cardiovascular Diseases and Sciences

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Bridget Powell
(318) 675-5409

Inna Rom
(318) 675-8136

The Center for Redox Biology and Cardiovascular Disease is supported by the National Institute of General Medical Sciences of the National Institutes of Health under Award Number P20GM121307.

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The COBRE Ordering and Receiving Process is outlined in this document: COBRE-Ordering-and-Receiving-Process-3.12.2018.docx.