The Office of Legal Affairs serves as in-house legal counsel for LSU Health Shreveport.  The department's mission is to ensure legal interests of the institution, faculty, staff, students, and patients are monitored and protected. Legal advice related to Medical School operations and specific legal guidance is provided in the following areas:

Conflict of Interest Management  •  Medical Malpractice  •  
Third Party Liability  •  Immigration & Contracts



LSU Health Shreveport Department of Legal Affairs
P.O. Box 33932, Shreveport, LA 71130-3932

Carranza Pryor
Chief Counsel
Phone:  (318) 675-5406
Fax: (318) 675-4608

Eileen Byrd, Paralegal
Phone: (318) 675-4868


Medical Malpractice Insurance Verification

This section provides information needed to verify medical malpractice insurance coverage to physicians and allied health professionals of LSU Health Shreveport.

From time to time, verification of malpractice insurance and claims histories are requested by outside entities as physicians and allied health professionals perform contract work as LSU Health Shreveport employees or as programs are completed at our facility and verification becomes necessary in seeking employment with another health care facility.  

In keeping with current privacy laws, a release signed by the requesting physician or allied health professional must be provided to our office before we will release confidential malpractice insurance coverage information or malpractice claims information.  

If a form has not been completed as part of the new employee packet at a new health facility, our office has a form shown below that can be printed and provided to our office.  The form may be faxed, scanned and emailed or mailed.  It cannot be completed and submitted online.  Please complete each area of the form including the portion to indicate name address and contact information of the requesting institution. 

Medical Malpractice Verification Form >>

On receipt of a request, our office will then request a claims history from our insurer, the Louisiana Office of Risk Management, in Baton Rouge, LA.  Once a response is received from their office, we will complete the verification process and provide our response to the requesting facility. 

gold lines

LSU is committed to open and honest communication of concerns, and encourages the members of the LSU community to report issues and/or concerns though established reporting channels whenever possible. Every member of the LSU community deserves to work and study in a safe and comfortable environment. It is now easier than ever to voice your concerns with the newly launched Ethics, Integrity and Misconduct Helpline. In situations where reporting in confidence is preferred, use of the LSU Ethics and Integrity Helpline is encouraged.  

LSU tower

Nurture a Culture of Integrity.
Voice Your Concerns. It's Easier Than Ever.

LSU Ethics, Integrity and Misconduct HELPLINE
Available 24 hours a day, Seven day a week
To Report Online:
To Report By Phone: 855-561-4099

Links to Administration & Organizational Integrity