EMPLOYMENT BENEFITS | Human Resource Management

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Click on one of the Tabs below for a summary of Benefits for LSU Health Shreveport Employees. 


Staff who work 75% time or more and their eligible family members may participate in this plan.  The insured is eligible for the principal amount, while dependent children are eligible for 10%, and spouse 40%, if no children, the spouse is eligible for 50%, if no spouse children are eligible for 15% of principal.


Academic and unclassified employees appointed on a regular basis under a fiscal year appointment of greater than 51% effort are entitled to accumulated annual leave based on years of service. Employees may choose between two options, the LSU System or the Civil Service System Leave Plan.  This one-time option is irrevocable. Classified Civil Service employees will be in the Civil Service System accrual schedule.

The LSU System accrual schedule is as follows:

Years of Service Maximum Accrual / Month Maximum Balance / Year
0-3 14 hours 176 hours
3-5 14 hours 176 hours
5-10 14 hours 176 hours
10-15 14 hours no limit
15 or more 16 hours no limit

The Civil Service System accrual schedule is as follows: 

Years of Service Maximum Accrual / Month Maximum Balance / Year
0-3 8 hours no limit
3-5 10 hours no limit
5-10 12 hours no limit
10-15 14 hours no limit
15 or more 16 hours no limit

Sick leave accumulates at the same rate as the Civil Service annual leave accrual schedule above.


Full and part-time staff may be given leave for jury duty, subpoenaed court testimony, inclement weather, emergency civilian duties in relation to national defense, and time to vote under unusual and difficult circumstances.


Classified, civil service employees who work greater than 50% effort (20 hours per week) are eligible to participate in the Louisiana State Employees' Retirement System (LASERS). LASERS members participate 8% of base salary, with employer contributions varying on a yearly basis.


All staff (and their family members) are eligible to join Campus Federal Credit Union.  The credit union offers a full range of financial services including Share Draft (checking) accounts, an ATM card, a free telephone banking service, direct deposit, and payroll deduction plans.  A number of loans, such as mortgage, automobile, and signature are also available to members. The credit union is located on the ground floor of the Hospital. 

Call (318) 675-5395 for more information.


The plan encourages preventative dental care, but also provides meaningful benefits if you need treatment.  You can receive dental care from the licensed dentist of your choice.    

Two Options are available:
Option 1 - Enhanced Plan 
Option  2 - Basic Plan.    

Premiums and coverage information is available on-line or from the Benefit Office.


Long Term Disability Insurance

Staff who work 75% time or more are eligible to participate in this long-term income continuation plan.  The plan provides for 60% of the base salary. Benefits are paid after 90 days disability and end of sick leave.


Full-time (100%) effort employees (including faculty), who have been employed at least one year in a full-time, permanent position  and with prior approval from their department head or supervisor, may register for job related undergraduate or graduate  courses at any LSU System campus for up to 6 hours per semester and receive full tuition exemption.  Tuition exemption is limited to 3 hours during the Summer term. Three hours of study can be taken during work time without a reduction in pay, a charge to annual leave credits, or loss of full-time status.  Hours in excess of 3 must be charged to available annual or leave without pay. Continued participation in the tuition exemption program is based on making satisfactory progress which, at a minimum, includes completion of the course with a passing grade.


All faculty  and unclassified, both full and part-time (50% effort and greater) must participate in the Louisiana State Teachers’ Retirement System (TRSL) or the Optional Retirement Plan (ORP) rather than in FICA, Federal Social Security.  Contributions are tax-sheltered and are presently 8.0% of base pay. LSUHSC makes matching contributions. The amount is determined annually by the Public Retirement Systems’ Actuarial Committee.   Only the employee contributions may be withdrawn upon resignation. TRSL-eligible employees have 60 days to select the ORP plan or they will be automatically placed in Teachers’ Retirement.


This benefit provides you with the opportunity to set aside tax-exempt dollars for out-of-pocket health care or dependent care expenses incurred by you and/or your eligible dependents.  These expenses are sheltered from tax through a Flexible Spending Account (FSA).  There is an administrative fee applied.

The Flex Plan must be administered according to Internal Revenue Service rules and regulations. Once the Flex Plan year begins, you are “locked in”, and cannot make changes to your Flex Plan election unless you experience certain qualifying events or change in status.  


All staff, both full and part-time, may be extended a maximum of 2 days funeral leave due to the death of immediate family members.


All eligible staff employed 75% time or more may be eligible to participate in the health insurance plans. If you are employed on the first day of the month, coverage will be effective on the first day of the following month.


Academic and unclassified full-time staff of LSU Health Shreveport enjoy 14 paid holidays during each calendar year. Each year the Chancellor of the health sciences center, with the advice of Administration, of this campus decides which holidays will be observed on this campus. The new schedule of Holidays is generally published within the 1st quarter of the year to be effective at the start of the fiscal year, July 1. Academic and unclassified part-time staff observe holidays on a pro-rated basis.


Staff who work 75% time or more are eligible to participate in the Group Life Insurance Plan.  You may choose from a variety of life insurance plans which include options for coverage on your spouse and dependent children.  You may view your options on line or you may visit the Benefit Office for more details.


All Staff both full and part-time who are members of the Reserve or National Guard Component shall be entitled to military leave when placed on “military active duty” by order of the State or Armed Forces of the United States.  Maximum leave with pay for military active duty is 15 working days per calendar year.


Faculty  and unclassified employees who are part-time, (less than 50% effort) may choose to participate in the ORP or Deferred Compensation (DC) in lieu of Social Security.   Employees are automatically defaulted to Social Security and are required to elect an alternate plan if they do not wish to participate in Social Security. However, once an employee becomes eligible for TRSL (2 years employment), the employee cannot continue to contribute to Social Security or DC in lieu of Social Security, and must elect either TRSL or ORP.  Contributions to DC and ORP are tax sheltered.


Full-time academic employees at the rank of Instructor (or equivalent) or above who have completed six continuous years of service on the campus without having received leave with pay, may petition for sabbatical leave for study and research.  Employees on a fiscal year basis may be granted 12 months leave with ½  pay or 6 months leave with full pay.


The Louisiana Deferred Compensation Plan provides staff with the opportunity to participate in a supplemental retirement plan, which is also tax-sheltered.  Empower Retirement is the plan administrator and provides communication, record keeping of the accounts, and investment of plan assets. 

For more information call: (225) 926-8082 or (800) 345-4699.

TAX SHELTERED ACCOUNTS 403(b), 403(b)(7)

Tax sheltered accounts are available to all staff who would like to contribute additional amounts to a supplemental retirement plan.  Options are governed by Federal Law and administered through companies approved by the university.


Benefits are designed to protect your visual wellness.  Coverage includes eye exam, spectacle lenses and frames per plan year or contact lenses (in lieu of eyeglasses) per plan year.

buildings on LSUHS campus