Our Mission
It is the mission of the Office of Compliance and Investigation to ensure that LSU Health Shreveport conducts activities related to education, research, or clinical services in a manner that is both consistent with regulatory and statutory law as well as the highest ethical standards. The Office of Compliance and Investigation promotes the prevention, detection, and resolution of actions that do not conform to these laws and standards and facilitates the implementation of a "compliant culture".
How to Report Non-Compliance
All employees, medical staff, contractors, vendors, patients, students, and visitors of LSU Health Shreveport are encouraged to report issues and/or concerns through established reporting channels whenever possible. In situations where reporting in confidence is preferred, you can file an anonymous report through the LSU Ethics, Integrity and Misconduct Helpline at www.lsu.ethicspoint.com or by calling toll-free at 855-561-4099.
You may use the Helpline to report concerns including, but not limited to:
- Title IX – sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating violence, video voyeurism, stalking, and retaliation
- Human Resources – substance abuse, EEOC and ADA Matters
- Office for Compliance and Investigations:
○ Human Resources Complaints: Grievance, retaliation, management practices, employment practices, working conditions, and employee misconduct, including but not limited to discrimination, harassment, and workplace violence.
○ Fraud, Waste, and Abuse - financial irregularities including the unauthorized taking or misuse of university resources, false claims, improper procurement or contracting activities, payroll abuse, and other financial conflicts of interest.
○ Privacy Complaints - Privacy, Data Safety and Security - Family Educational Rights to Privacy Act Violations, Privacy, Data Safety and Security - HIPAA, Patient Privacy, FERPA
○ Confidentiality & Security Concerns, Research - Conflict of Interest, Research - Human or Animal Research, Research - Intellectual Property Infringement, Misappropriation or Disclosure, Research - Scientific Misconduct, Research - Sponsored Projects Non-Compliance, Research Grant Misconduct or Misappropriation of Costs
Office of Compliance and Investigation
Phone: (318) 675-6479
Links to Reports
TITLE IX Information
LSU is providing the Helpline because we are committed to encouraging open and honest communication. Helpline reports will be handled promptly and judiciously. No retaliatory action will be taken against anyone for reporting or inquiring in good faith about potential misconduct or breaches of laws, rules, regulations, or university policies, or for seeking guidance on how to handle suspected misconduct or breaches.
Every member of the LSU community deserves to work and study in a safe and comfortable environment. It is now easier than ever to voice your concerns with the newly launched Ethics, Integrity and Misconduct Helpline. To learn more visit www.lsu.ethicspoint.com.
Conflict of Interest Management
Conflicts of interest, whether financial or non-financial, can arise at the intersection of two fundamental missions: to push the boundaries of knowledge and to transfer that knowledge into something meaningful for the benefit of mankind. There may be, e.g., significant personal financial incentives related to patenting and licensing an invention, or to outside consulting or other interests. Considerations of personal financial gain however must not distort objectivity in research, and we must provide a reasonable expectation that the design, conduct, and reporting of research will be free from bias. Legal Affairs can assist you in identifying, managing, or mitigating any conflicts that could interfere with your Institutional responsibilities.
We are committed to helping you, investigator, researcher, and/or faculty member, comply with the LSU Health Shreveport Conflict of Interest in Research (Chancellor's Memorandum-23), and with Conflicts of Interest law.
If you have any questions about the COI disclosure process, please email shvcoi@lsuhsc.edu.
Our Team
Sammy Wyatt, PhD, MBA, CFE, CHC, CCEP, EnCE
Grace Nickels, EdD
Leshonda Lindsey, BS, MA